Influence of Two Artificial Feeds on Dimension and Major Biological characteristics of Earwig Euborellia annulata (Fabricius) (Dermaptera: Anisolabididae)

  • Nguyễn Đức Tùng
  • Nguyễn Thanh Thảo


This study was conducted to determine the effect of two artificial feeds on size and biological characteristics of earwig Euborellia annulata(Fab.). The result showed that the size of all stages of earwig E. annulatawere not effect by the feeds used. However, the earwig E. annulatathat were fed by dog’s food had shorter life cycle, higher number of egg laid per female and faster population growth than the ones were fed by cat’s feed. The life cycle, number of egg laid per female, number of egg, larva and adult produced from initial 6 females and 2 males adult after 60 days fed by dog’s feed were 56.07±1.95 days, 387.55 ± 18.48 eggs, 1119.33 ± 47.00 individuals, respectively, while those fed with cat’s feed were 72.22 ± 0.95 days, 273.40±10.91 eggs, 624.00 ± 36.04 individuals
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