Reproductive Performance and Growth Rate of Crossbreds between Landrace, Yorkshire and F1 (Landrace x Yorkshire) Bred with Pietrain x Duroc Crossbred boars (PiDU)

  • Phan Xuân Hảo


A study was carried out at 3 pig farms in Me Linh - Vinh Phuc from 2006 to 2008 to evaluate reproductive performance and growth rate of 3 types of crosbreds, viz. PiDu Í Yorkshire, PiDu Í Landrace and PixDu Í F1 (LY). Results showed that their reproductive performances were high (numbers born alive and weaning piglets/litter were 11.65 and 11.10, 11.01 and 10.49, 11.50 and 10.90 piglets, respectively); growth rates were high and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were low (735.05 g and 2.69 kg, 735.38 g and 2.69 kg, 749.05 g and 2.68 kg, respectively). Use of crossbred PiDu  boars  to matethe exotic purebred sows or crossbred sows could maintain high reproductive performance and growth rate
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